18 Nov

لاتحمل هم الدنيا فإنها لله، ولاتحمل همَّ الرزق فإنه من الله، ولاتحمل هم المستقبل فإنه بيد الله، فقط احمل همًا واحدًا كيف ترضي الله،،لأنك لو أرضيت الله، رضي عنك وأرضاك وكفاك وأغناك

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahuAllah said, “Do not worry about the affairs of this world for they are for Allah. And do not worry about your provision for it is from Allah. And do not worry about the future for it is in the Hands of Allah. Have one and only one worry: How to please Allah. For if you please Allah, you will be pleased and it will suffice you and enrich you.”

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